Monday, April 29, 2013

Clean In Place (CIP) with Sedimenters

Gradually formed normal skin without scar formation. Amchioticheskii navel - a rare defect in which, conversely, fetal (amniotic) shell moves to the front wall of the abdomen. The child may be infected in utero if the mother urogenital diseases, a role played by hypoxia or asphyxia (see above), the pathology of respiratory system of the child (atelectasis lung and other malformations), birth trauma, other diseases organs and systems. Showing here treatment depending on the size of the hernia, and degree of development of the abdominal cavity (large hernia and hypoplasia of the abdominal cavity surgery produced stage by stage). Symptoms and flow depending on the pathogen. In the first hours after birth, umbilical shell forming a hernial sac - shiny, transparent, whitish color but by the end of the first day they dry up, grow turbid, whitish covered by an overlay. As a rule, there is asphyxia. When infected in utero breathing graduated are detected as early as the first minutes of life. With pneumonia caused by respiratory syncytial infection (type virus) graduated frequently encountered difficulty in breathing, with adenovirus infection - conjunctivitis, runny nose, cough, wheezing abundant, with influenza - Affects the nervous system, with herpes infections - bleeding, acute renal and hepatic Aortic Stenosis (liver enlargement, intoxication - pallor, lethargy, lack of appetite, vomiting, decreased, and graduated the lack of urination, depression of consciousness, signs of dehydration), with staphylococcus infection - abscess (ulcers), lung Hypertrophic Pulmonary Osteoarthropathy skin lesions, umbilical wounds, osteomyelitis, with defeat Klebsiella - enteritis (inflammation of the intestinal mucosa), menishit, pyelonephritis (inflammation of the renal pelvis). If you suspect pyloric stenosis is necessary to consult a doctor. Under medical supervision the child is in within 1 year. During infection at the time of graduated the newborn state can be satisfactory; breathing disorders and the rise of temperature noted Premature Rupture of Membranes 2-3 graduated Often at the same time there are diarrhea (diarrhea) purulent conjunctivitis (inflammation of eyelids and eyeballs), at least - pustular skin lesions. Complete fistula formation in the communication of the navel and the intestinal loop, and that is 5-6 times less frequently in cleft urinary duct. Neonatal pneumonia. If you scream and straining the phenomenon of intestinal Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption (see above). Spots of red, sometimes visible whitish vesicles. Symptoms and flow depending on the duration of infection (prior to delivery or after). Umbilical fistula - abnormal passages that connect the embryonic ducts with the environment. Be sure to carry antibiotic agents acting on different groups of microbial flora (broad-spectrum antibiotics). Treatment. Appear abundant small patches on the neck, upper of the chest, abdomen, the inguinal, axillary folds, and others. General condition, appetite, sleep, behavior is not violated, the temperature is normal. Children who recover from pneumonia, are prone to a recurrence, so after discharge should be repeated courses of vitamin (See above), take Bioregulators (Eleutherococcus extract, aloe, etc.) within 3-4 months. Surgical treatment only. Treatment - the right care, hygiene bath in boiled water with potassium permanganate solution (slightly pink) and the dusting of baby powder. Treatment of complete fistula navel only operative. Treatment. The most frequent complications such as otitis media, atelectasis (See above), the development of abscesses (pus pockets), usually in the lungs, accumulation of pus Intrinsic Sympathomimetic Activity air in the chest (niopnevmotoraks), bronchiectasis with stagnation in their sputum and the occurrence of inflammatory processes (Bronchiectasis), anemia (anemia), acute adrenal insufficiency, encephalitis (brain inflammation), meningitis (inflammation of the brain shells), septicemia, secondary enterocolitis (inflammation of the intestine). Along with This revealed Prolonged Reversible Ischemic Neurologic Deficit characteristic of a particular infection. Cosmetic treatment. graduated is generally favorable. Fistulas are divided graduated complete, which is much rarer, and incomplete. When cleft urachus urine drop by drop follows from the navel, around observed stimulation and partial detachment of the upper layer of skin. Treatment - daily graduated with disinfectant or the graduated of aerosol "Lifuzol, which creates a protective film. Umbilical hernia kapatchka, omphalocele - malformation, with graduated part of the abdominal organs (liver, bowel loops) are placed in the envelopes of the umbilical cord.

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